A Mortal's Mind.

The evolution of humanity has been a subject of fascination and debate for centuries, with two primary narratives emerging—the scientific theory of evolution and the biblical account of creation. Each provides a unique lens through which we can explore our origins and purpose on Earth.

The scientific theory of evolution, first rigorously proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, suggests that all life on Earth, including humans, has evolved over millions of years through natural selection. This theory is supported by vast evidence from various disciplines, including palaeontology, genetics, and anthropology. The biblical account of human creation, as found in the Book of Genesis, presents a very different narrative. According to this account, God created humanity deliberately and purposefully. This story is central to the beliefs of billions of people worldwide and has profoundly influenced thought and culture. In the Bible, the creation of humanity is described as a direct act of God.

Both perspectives also highlight the human quest for meaning. Science may not answer the spiritual questions of purpose and destiny, but it highlights our capacity for exploration, discovery, and understanding. On the other hand, the biblical narrative offers a clear purpose: to know God, live in harmony with others, and fulfil the divine plan.


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Etienne's work depicts what happens when a geek turns artist, you get a flawless piece that shifts perspectives and brings new meaning to modern art. Thank you for the inspiration.


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"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination." - Albert Einstein